In this blog, we’re going to briefly discuss some hints and tips about outsourcing your PR & marketing using video and social media.

So basically, if your rivals are out sourcing their video marketing cost effectively, they will always be ahead of you in your field. This is a harsh fact if you fall into this category, especially if your rivals are using video marketing and you’re not!

Over 74% of internet traffic will be video by 2018. In addition to this, 87% of marketers are already using video in their marketing campaigns.  Therefore, including video marketing in your advertising strategy is a smart thing to do for any of today’s businesses.

Video marketing coupled with flyers, socialmedia, and other traditional means will help your business gain exposure, leading onto more client generation and customers.

We all can do with more customers right?

I could go on and on but I must end this blog post at some point. There’s more information about PR and marketing on our website and hopefully you’ll contact us soon. In the mean time I wish you all great success in achieving your goals.

The Best Times to Post on Social Media.

social media marketing

Take note of the above information stating the best times to post on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. Weekends are different, but try and make some posts on Saturdays and Sundays too.

Social media marketing tips

  • Aim for 5 – 10 social media posts per day following the info on best times to tweet and post on social media sites. One promotional tweet in every 5 tweets on Twitter, per day (or as close as).
  • Don’t just post or blog about how great your product is. Post helpful, engaging content after capturing your targeted market. The use of effective video marketing in your social media or website campaigns will keep you ahead of your game.
  • Research your keywords and #HashTags. Finding out which relevant hashtags are trending is always a good thing to know on social media platforms.
  • Join relevant groups on social media sites. You will find people similar to yourself or gain hot leads.
  • Do you use Twitter? Are you strategically using lists? If not why not? Here, you can quickly grow an audience based on your brand.
  • Strategically define your target market and base your social media marketing around them without deviating.
  • Keep your content blogs updated and engaging. Provide awesome content for your audience and keep them in mind.
  • Storytelling, the art of conversation and great PR. Everybody loves a meaningful story they can relate to.

For more marketing tips, follow us on Twitter or Facebook.

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