Website Copy Questionnaire

Please answer the questions to the best of your ability, so that we can write the most suitable content for your website. If any of the questions are not applicable to you, just type n/a in the section.

The home page layout will be designed for you free of charge. Once you are completely satisfied with the layout, we will then require a 50% deposit to complete the other pages. When you are happy with the completed website, the remainder will then be required to transfer it onto your domain and set up your email addresses. You will get free hosting and technical support for the 1st year, then an annual hosting fee of £30 per year will apply.

The info entered on this form will be kept strictly confidential in accordance with our privacy policy, and will not be shared with any third parties.

Your address will not be displayed on your website unless you instruct us to do so.
Eg – to persuade readers to buy, to book an appointment, download an e-book…
What makes you, your product, different from similar companies/products?
Describe your product or service, the process.
If possible, please provide samples of the type of copy you like, whether from your own website or publications, or from other websites/publications.
Do you have a colour scheme? If so type it here. Would you like us to design your logo? Email us your logo if you have one, or let us know if you require one or not. Also, if your website is mainly about you, email us some high res photos of yourself.
Who is your target audience? Demographics, interests, priorities? If B2B, – what industries, job titles, company sizes are targeted? (They may be people you want to become customers. But they may be PR people, journalists or internal employees).
Please tell us about your current customers. Who is buying your product? Who are your best, most enthusiastic customers? Describe them. Who is your “bread & butter” customer?
Not every piece of writing is about making an immediate sale. Some content marketing is educational and about building a relationship. Some is to improve a website’s SEO. Some is about driving action like booking an appointment, signing up for an email list or downloading an app, report or e-book etc.
How soon do you want us to complete your website or logo etc?
Is there anything else you feel we should know while writing your content? What domain name would you like? (Eg,

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